How Can a Dermatologist Help Me With Hair Loss?

How Can a Dermatologist Help Me With Hair Loss?

Dealing with hair loss can be a trying time and you might find that your self-esteem is beginning to lower. You can often find yourself covering your hair with a hat and avoiding showing it off at all. There are ways that your dermatologist can help you recover from hair loss and start feeling like your best self again. Dr. Ivan Flint in Salt Lake City, UT, can explain how a dermatologist can reduce your hair loss and help you look and feel like your best self again. 

Dealing With Hair Loss

When you’re dealing with hair loss, you might find that you aren’t even sure where to seek help from. Our dermatologist in Salt Lake City, UT, is a good place to seek out help for hair loss and start your treatment as soon as possible. Your dermatologist will first pinpoint the cause of your hair loss and test the health of your hair.  

Your hair loss could be the effect of a disease, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, or infection. If that’s the case, they’ll be able to start treatment and see if this can help reduce your signs of hair loss. There are certain cases where your dermatologist can identify that your hair should regrow on its own after the cause is discovered. 

Our dermatologist can also help with treatments designed to help your hair regrow. They can inject the thinning areas with corticosteroid and help stimulate hair growth. You may need to do this every 4 to 8 weeks to get the best results and maintain those results.  

Contact Your Dermatologist Today 

Don’t feel embarrassed by thinning hair! Contact Dr. Ivan Flint in Salt Lake City, UT, to learn more about hair loss and what a dermatologist could do for you. Call for more information and to schedule your consultation today at (801) 262-3600.

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