Why Do You Need a Mole Removal?

Why Do You Need a Mole Removal?

Have Dr. Ivan Flint of Ivan D. Flint Dermatology based in Salt Lake City, UT handle your mole removal so you can be certain that it will be done properly.

Why Do You Need Mole Removal?

Plenty of people have moles. You may develop your first few moles as a child and you may get a few more as you get older.

Moles tend to vary in color. The color of your moles will often reflect your skin tone. Those with lighter skin will have lighter-colored moles and those with darker skin will have darker-colored moles.

More often than not, you don’t have to concern yourself with your moles. They may sprout up on your skin randomly, but they probably won’t cause any pain or discomfort.

However, there are some moles that demand more of your attention.

For instance, some moles growing on your body may appear somewhat unusual. Their unusual appearance could be an indicator that they are cancerous or precancerous.

Others may not like the appearance of their moles. They may want to remove their moles because they believe that doing so will enhance their appearance.

People may have different reasons why they feel the need to remove their moles. Regardless of what your reason may be, you should make sure to work with a professional to get that procedure done.

Reach out to Dr. Flint of Ivan D. Flint Dermatology in Salt Lake City, UT if you want to be certain that your mole removal procedure will be carried out properly.

What Can You Expect During the Mole Removal Process?

The removal process will begin with your doctor examining your moles.

If you’re getting a mole removed for medical reasons, then the doctor will first check if the growth does indeed warrant genuine concern. If you want a mole removed for cosmetic reasons, then the procedure can begin earlier.

Prior to extraction, the doctor will inject you with anesthesia to ensure that the procedure is painless on your end. After that, they will use one of three methods to remove the mole.

Your doctor may shave the mole and some of the surrounding skin to remove it. They may also extract the mole with the use of a scalpel. Some doctors may also use a special tool to essentially knock the mole out of place.

The wound created following the removal of the hole should heal up after two to three weeks. Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding how to care for the wound so you don’t run into any unexpected issues.

Call (801) 262-3600 and book a session with Dr. Flint of Ivan D. Flint Dermatology in Salt Lake City, UT to get your mole removal done safely.

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