Skin Cancer Detection: What To Look For

Skin Cancer Detection: What To Look For

Ever notice a suspicious mole or spot on your skin? Skin cancer can manifest as a mole or a spot on your skin, and while it's important to be diligent, it's also important to know what to look for. Many times a mole is just a mole, you can have them your whole life without them ever presenting a problem. So while the signs detailed below can help you take the first step, for further help in skin cancer prevention you can turn to your local Salt Lake City and Tooele, UT, dermatologist, Dr. Ivan Flint.

Know the Signs

A mole that you've always noticed on your skin that has remained unchanged for as far as you can remember is unlikely to be a cancerous growth. But it can be difficult to know for sure how long it's been there, or if it's always been the same shape and color.

Notice first if there is symmetry in the mole, as in if you were to imagine folded in half, one half would match the other. Asymmetry is a sign that it could be cause for concern, also if you notice its borders are jagged, rather than a consistent edge all around.

As well as if there is no uniform color to the mole, if there is a variation of colors. Size is yet another important consideration, if they are larger than one-quarter of an inch, or a pencil eraser.

It's important to consult with your dermatologist if you notice any of the above signs, or a change in any of the mentioned qualities over the course of weeks, months, or years.

Skin Cancer Prevention and Treatment in Salt Lake City and Tooele, UT

Skin cancer is caused by mutations in the DNA of the cells that cause them to grow abnormally and uncontrollably. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are a common culprit, but skin cancer can develop even on spots on the body not usually exposed to the sun. This is why regular skin cancer screenings with your dermatologist are so important. Early detection and treatment are the best recipes for success.

If you live in or near the Salt Lake City and Tooele, UT, area and are seeking help with skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment, then schedule a consultation today with Dr. Flint by dialing (801) 262-3600.

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